I worked on several things Saturday and all are at the stage where I need to get out the ironing board and iron so I can press. I am calling it a night, though I could put together two more rows to press in the morning. I am tired and my back hurts.
I worked on pick up sticks and have 10 rows of strips sewn with the color strips inserted and ready to cut into 6.5" blocks. I had to do a lot of frogging on this one because I got things out of order or two of the same color strips in the same piece and I finally gave up and said what ever will be will be. It may be a very small quilt as it was causing me frustration. I may not do any more though I do have at least ten more strip sets sewn. I can always do something else with all those black and white strips, even if they are several different sizes. Will see how things go for me tomorrow.
I did a lot of frogging on two UFQs that are not mine, but my boys. One is from when Bryce was in 5th or 6th grade and I had to keep him quiet as he had a massive cut that was stitched up on his leg and the threat of if it is not healed you cannot go on the scout canoe trip was hanging over his head. I had to take the rows apart as they were so of kilter it was not funny, so decided to take it down to the blocks. I need to press and trim them then put the rows back together and the rows back into a top. I think I will quilt it and give it to him for Christmas if I get it done. This was nine patches with alternating blocks of a lizard print fabric. It will be 5 x7 and I have borders already cut from way back when.
I also worked on another of the boys UFQs from some point in the past. It is attic windows and I had to redo a few seams that were really badly sewn and trim up the blocks. I started putting them into rows. It is 3 x 3 and I have border fabric for it.
Lastly, I put together one more row of a red, white, and blue quilt I started years ago. It is done with the blocks on point and both corner pieces are done. I have two more rows to sew together and then need to sew the last three
Wow. That sounds like a ton of work. Hope you slept well. Happy UFO-ing today.