It is a scrappy quilt made from a jelly roll that I bought at Back Yard Fabrics in Kentucky a few years back. If you ever get the chance you should stop by her store. I loved my visits there. May need to go back that neck of the woods again, just so I can stop in there.
I am also working on binding a quilt for a gift. which I hope to finish this next week so I can mail it and a quilt I finished before Christmas off to the recipients.

I spent time this weekend finishing my Ugly Fabric Challenge quilt top and working on the memory quilt for a friend made with her mother's pajamas. I cannot reveal the Ugly Fabric Challenge until January 31st, so stay tuned for that picture in another week or two. I am also not sharing pictures of the memory quilt until it done so the pattern will be a surprise for my friend.
On Saturday I finished piecing four blocks and put four blocks together with sashing. I have two additional blocks I had already pieced that I am planning to either use on the back or combine with something else to make another quilt. I have to see if I can get more of the fabric that I used in the blocks to complete a second quilt as I do not have any more of the colors used in those two blocks. Sunday I added the borders to the Ugly Fabric Challenge quilt which you can see under my needle, but you can't see much other than the colors I used with the print.
I also worked on completing all the subsections of the blocks for the memory quilt on Saturday and completed one block, so that I now have two of the sixteen blocks completed. Sunday I finished piecing 10 blocks and have six blocks that need one more seam, and then I have to press them all and trim them to size.
One block will go in the center of the scrappy quilt I making for her sister from leftover pieces of her mother‘s pajamas. I am trying to decide on the border. I’m going use red minky on the back. Red was her mother's favorite color and I used the silky red pajamas as the focus fabric in every block.
I am making progress on my goal of moving my UFOs forward this year and plan to continue to do so every month. Any progress is positive.
My goal for this next week is to finish binding the one quilt, finish piecing the blocks and put the top together. I also need to make labels for two quilts and finish two pillowcases. Once I get that done I will have four quilts ready to mail and can contact the quilter about quilting the memory quilt.
WIshing you all a great quilty week. Hope you have scheduled in some quilting time.
I am making progress on my goal of moving my UFOs forward this year and plan to continue to do so every month. Any progress is positive.
My goal for this next week is to finish binding the one quilt, finish piecing the blocks and put the top together. I also need to make labels for two quilts and finish two pillowcases. Once I get that done I will have four quilts ready to mail and can contact the quilter about quilting the memory quilt.
WIshing you all a great quilty week. Hope you have scheduled in some quilting time.
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