I have been busy working on moving my UFOs toward topsville and donesville. I have two quilts at the quilters presently, that I need to make binding for. One I have the fabric for the other I need to figure our what to use for binding. I have cut and pieced binding for two other quilts as well.
I am working on the binding on another quilt and hope to finish it by Thursday, if not before.
I finished several more tops in the last couple weeks. One is called Summer Solstice and is partially paper pieced. I did not do the full paper pieced border, just the corners. I decided I was not going to keep paper piecing since it is not my favorite activity, plus I was not sure I had enough of one of the fabrics to finish all the blocks.
Before adding borders |
I started with the four blocks put together, then finished paper piecing the corners and bordered it this month. I decided I just wanted to finish it simply, rather than do a more elaborate border.
After adding borders. |
Backing pressed and folded and ready to go. |
I finished sewing the rows together for Barbara's Attic which is a Debbie Caffery Mystery I started a long time ago. I had misplaced a set of blocks and could not finish my rows. I finally found them in a box with another UFO and was able to finish my rows earlier this year. I sewed some of the rows together earlier this year and finished them this month. I am debating putting a black border around the outside or just leaving it as it is and binding in black.
Barbara's Attic with the rows laid out. |
I bound this table runner this month. Here are the before and the after photos.
Before | | | |
After finishing the binding. |
I completed another two tops as well. One Is made form left over hearts form the Crazy Hearts quilt made for my cousin, Janie, and the other is a second OFF KUiLTeR, using blue as the background this time. Both still need borders added.
This is a pile of the blocks before I started the original quilt. I still have a few left over to make a table runner or dresser cloth. I may use them to make place mats or large hot pads. |
Crazy Hearts |
Before being sewn into a top. |
I also finished piecing two baby quilts and bordered them. The pattern for one is Pick Up Sticks and the other is a modified Pick Up Sticks because I goofed on the angle I was to cut the strips apart so I used them to make a variation of the design. I do not have any pictures of the blocks before I started putting the quilt together.
The smaller one with two of the borders added, though I may add one more outer border once I see if I need to make it larger. |
The larger one waiting on outer borders. |
Lastly is my favorite quilt. It is called Daisy Days and is one I have been working on slowly for a long, long, long time. It is hand appliqued and It took me a long time to finish four twenty inch blocks.
I started these four blocks and and added sashing, and four borders, one of which is pieced. I am thinking I may do some more applique on the borders with the vines. I am also trying to decide if I want to have it machine basted so I can hand quilt it or have it machine quilted.
Here is the finished top, though I am not sure if I like the outer border. I may need to add one more border or change it out out. What do you all think?