Friday, March 18, 2011

Scrap Post (a variety of topics)

--> I have mastered posting photos to my blog.  I am very proud of myself as I have been trying for several months to get this to work and finally figured out what part of the code I have to take from Flickr to get things to post to my blog.

I have gone back and updated some of my previous posts with photos so they now reflect the quilts that I am discussing in my posts. I have been very frustrated up to this point with trying to post pictures to my blog.

I have also been very busy and am behind on posting at all. I am working to rectify this and have jotted a few ideas and shot posts in my notebook, and hope to transfer them to my blogs in the next couple of weeks.  Remember this is a work in progress, though once the end of May rolls around and I am retired I plan to be much more organized and timely.

My big project lately has been working on cleaning and organizing my sewing room and in the process I have discovered many new fabrics, or at least ones I had forgotten I owned. Along with the fabrics come ideas for new quilts and my mind is overflowing. I have discovered that I have a lot of blue fabric.  By blue I include anything that falls in the blue family including teals, and those that lean toward purple.  I also have a lot of black and whites, and white or cream tone on tones, followed by reds and I am not done going through fabrics. At the moment I am sorting and folding yards, and cuts larger than a yard.  This is my sorting method, size and color.  I am piling all the smaller cuts off to the side to deal with later.  I have one or rather two piles because of the cut of fabric that are novelty prints and that one is growing. I have not even touched my Christmas fabrics yet as I wanted to get through all the colors first. I think I could open a fabric shop, but wait that would mean parting with some of my stash before I had a chance to use it, not gonna happen.  I am having fun and think I may have actually found the missing binding fabric for my rainbow quilt.  I need to pull the quilt out and check.  I did find the binding fabric for Bryce's guitar quilt. (Pattern: Groovy Guitars by Robbi Joy Eklow) I also need to find the buttons so I can do the embellishment.  My plan is to have this one done by the end of May, but that will depend on if my thumb cooperates.

My sewing room is a long-term project as I am taking time to sew, read, write, and of course I have to go to work. Work is a major inconvenience at times. I wish it were already May 20th.  My plan is to finish up my sewing room before school ends and be ready to jump into quilting full time once we return from our trip around the lower forty-eight, along with taking long rides on our tandem.  Though it may be fall before I truly jump into quilting full time because I love spending the day riding on the tandem with my husband.

At the moment both my sewing and my blogging are hindered by tendonitis in my right thumb.  How I wish I could do a decent applique stitch with my left hand.  I plan to work on it.  I do plan to try and sew on buttons with my left hand; will have to see how that goes. I can tell you that life is difficult without your dominant hand thumb.  I have been in this situation once before when I broke my right wrist and it makes it very hard to do many things.  I am improving my typing skills though, so that is a helping.  I am learning to use my left thumb and alternate fingers on the space bar and the mouse pad of my laptop.

--> Stay tuned for up-dates